formerly the AOG
Welcome to Dental Link
As the dental community faces new challenges, Dental Link offers solutions
- New materials and technology require newer techniques.
- These need to be provided within a compliance assured framework
- While following medico-legal guidelines.
- The business model required manage the above involves financial acumen and fiscal discipline!
Dental Link has been founded by dentists for the whole of the dental community. It seeks to link the members to resources required to help manage the provision of dental care. It is FREE to join and is a NON-PROFIT organisation. All surplus sponsorship monies used to support the membership or donated to our charitable foundation for distribution. All the committee donate their time.
Dental Link is part of AOG which was founded in 1980 and grew to become one of the largest dental organisations in the UK. As a non-political and charitable organisation, our roots were post graduate education, mentoring, which continues as Dental Link. Our motto "towards greater good" summarises our ethos.
We invite all the dental community to join and use the resources available. There are continually being added to. Please do participate by contributing and sharing your experiences and ideas.
MEMBERSHIP - Free to join
Full Membership - All UK registered Dentists (Full voting rights) Access to ALL benefits and full discounts
Associate Membership - All UK registered Dentists (Full voting Rights) Access to MOST benefits
Affliate Membership - Dental Community (DCP, Hygienists, Nurses, Technicians, DCP, Students, Overseas Dentists) Access to MOST benefits, NO voting rights
Corporate Membership - Dental organisations, Businesses and professions related to Dental community
"It gives me great pleasure to accept the role of President of the Dental Link for 2019.
Dentistry is evolving, the changes faced by young professionals today have placed an increasing strain on the profession. Our organization was founded over 39 years ago! It was always meant to be for Dentists by Dentists. We are now adopting and evolving to ensure that the older, hopefully, wiser members can help, guide and advise the newer members to our profession.
As the original founder member and having engaged in the profession since 1980, the role of the current president is to head our committee of equally like-minded and driven individuals. We, together, wish to pass on our legacy, experience and stories.
Dental Link is the platform on which we are able to provide our members access to information, to ideas and tips to ease your practice life. It is about the future. Please join us and be part of the conversation. Let us strive to improve every aspect of Dental Care, professional and personal. The more you engage the more you and the profession benefits.
While we may be an insular profession but are also a community with much to share. I would like to invite you to be part of the our, the members, organization as we head towards new horizons."
President of the Dental Link

It with profound sadness that we announce the untimely passing of Dr. Rashmi Patel MBE, our past President and Founding member.
Rashmi was born in Tanzania and started her dental training in 1971. She met and married, Dr Mahesh Patel, whilst at university. They both took postgraduate training and developed successful practices.
Rashmi was instrumental in founding, guiding and developing the AOG (now also known as Dental Link) to a membership base which became the third largest in the UK. Her elegant demeanour coupled with a dynamic character and enthusiasm left an indelible mark on all that met her. For her continuous efforts, Rashmi is the only recipient of Lifetime Achievement Award presented in 2019- the most prestigious award given by the AOG (Dental Link) to-date.
Over the years Rashmi's professional accomplishments were numerous. She was appointed as a Tutor and examiner Member of joint faculty, Royal College of Surgeons, as well as an examiner for the National Board of Dental Nurses. Rashmi was also a Diploma tutor of the MFGDP and a member of several dental committees.
Rashmi served on the Standing Dental Advisory Committee to the Secretary of State for Health after which she was raised to the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire as a Member (MBE) in 2003 for her extensive contributions to the Dental profession and charities.
Rashmi's success continued in her professional and personal life. In addition to setting up a series of successful practices she had time to raise her beloved children Anita and Neil. She passed on her values of Education couched with kindness and they both became well rounded professionals like herself. The family has grown with the introduction of her beloved son-in-law Dr. Amit Patel and her gorgeous grandchildren Dylan and Sophia whom she adored and loved.
Rashmi remained a doting wife to Mahesh, a popular and well-loved couple. She also nurtured and groomed their two children, Anita and Neil into the dental profession which has culminated into successful professionals in their own right.
We will truly miss a wonderful person, a consummate professional, teacher, a wife, a mother, grandmother and sister.

The Dental Link UK (formerly AOG) is a non-profit organisation. All proceeds from Dental Link are donated to AOG Foundation Ltd a registered charity in the U.K. Your contributions are used "towards greater good". Our dedicated charity pages allows our members to visit, donate and also help by donating their time and expert skills to help the less fortunate.
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